In order to obtain these accreditations, the only possibility that existed was to carry out a training course and, in addition, to pass the subsequent examination carried out by the National Police.
Certificates of professionalism are official documents that accredit professional skills and guarantee that the person who obtains it has the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to carry out a work activity in accordance with the demands of the labor market.
For the professional exercise of some occupations in some sectors it is essential to obtain in advance the document that certifies the professional competence of the working person.
Certificates of professionalism are valid throughout Spain and, in addition, European regulations allow the recognition of professional qualifications accredited to the European Union, so that they facilitate geographical mobility.
The ways to obtain a certificate of professionalism are:
The requirements to access the training of professional certificates depend on the qualification level of the certificate:
The SOC can be requested to issue the certificate of professionalism if all the units of competence of a certificate of professionalism have been accredited and the internship module has been passed or the interested party is exempt from this module.
Professional family: SEA Safety and environment
Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, which regulates certificates of professionalism, modified by Royal Decree 1675/2010, of 18 November and by Royal Decree 189/2013, of 15 March.