Certificate of Professionalism

The first academy in Girona to make certificates of professionalism!

The first academy in Girona where to make certificates of professionalism for private security, security guards, scouts and explosives vigilantes.

Certificates of professionalism
Security Guard, Explosives and Private Listening

Register of SOC training centers and entities with census Nº4292

Surveillance, Private Security and Protection of People.

Codes: SEAD0112
Professional family: Safety and Environment.
Professional area: Safety and Prevention. Professional qualification level: 2.
Reference professional qualification:
SEA029_2 Surveillance and Private Security (RD 295/2004 of 20 February).
Productive sectors:
Industries of production, distribution, manufacture and storage of dangerous products and substances. Commercial surfaces. Leisure centers. Sports, artistic, cultural shows, conventions and demonstrations. Airport, railway and urban transport facilities. Administration buildings (ministries, delegations, barracks, juvenile centers). Banks and credit institutions. Hospitals and health care centers. Energy production and communications centers. Protection of persons who do not have the character of public authorities.

Duration of the VS Face-to-face training:

250 hours

Duration of VS Practice training:
40 hours.

List of training modules and training units:

MF0080_2: (Transversal) Surveillance and protection in Private Security. (250 hours)
• UF2672: Legal aspects in the development of the functions of the security personnel. (90 hours)
• UF2673: Psychology applied to the protection of people and property. (30 hours)
• UF2674: Professional techniques and procedures in the protection of people, facilities and property. (90 hours)
• UF2675: Means of protection and armament. (40 hours)
MF0081_2: Protection of people. (110 hours)
• UF2673: (Transversal) Psychology applied to the protection of people and property. (30 hours)
• UF2675: (Transversal) Means of protection and armament. (40 hours)
• UF2676: Personal protection techniques. (40 hours)
MP0557: Module of non-labor professional practices of surveillance, private security and protection of people. (40 hours)

Link with professional training:

Passing with positive evaluation the training established in this certificate of professionalism guarantees the training required to obtain the qualification of Security Guard and Private Listening, in accordance with the provisions of article 29.1.a) of Law 5/2014, of 4 April, on Private Security.

Related occupations and jobs:

- Security guards.
- Private listening.
Power plants (nuclear, thermal, ..).
Control of passenger luggage at airports and train stations, buses, maritime stations ...
Transportation of funds (money, valuables and valuables).

Certificates of professionalism

Frequently asked questions
  • You can now be a security guard without a National Police exam

    In order to obtain these accreditations, the only possibility that existed was to carry out a training course and, in addition, to pass the subsequent examination carried out by the National Police.

  • What is the Certificate of Professionalism?

    Certificates of professionalism are official documents that accredit professional skills and guarantee that the person who obtains it has the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to carry out a work activity in accordance with the demands of the labor market.

  • When are they needed?

    For the professional exercise of some occupations in some sectors it is essential to obtain in advance the document that certifies the professional competence of the working person.

  • Where are they valid?

    Certificates of professionalism are valid throughout Spain and, in addition, European regulations allow the recognition of professional qualifications accredited to the European Union, so that they facilitate geographical mobility.

  • How can you get a certificate of professionalism?

    The ways to obtain a certificate of professionalism are:

  • Requirements to access training courses aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism

    The requirements to access the training of professional certificates depend on the qualification level of the certificate:

  • Request the issuance of the certificate of professionalism

    The SOC can be requested to issue the certificate of professionalism if all the units of competence of a certificate of professionalism have been accredited and the internship module has been passed or the interested party is exempt from this module.

  • Pay the corresponding fees: fees, exemptions and bonuses


  • Training in occupational risk prevention included in the CP

    Professional family: SEA Safety and environment

  • Related regulations

    Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, which regulates certificates of professionalism, modified by Royal Decree 1675/2010, of 18 November and by Royal Decree 189/2013, of 15 March.




1. What are the existing training specialties leading to certificates of professionalism?
2. If we want to request a certificate of professionalism and we see in the drop-down of units of competence of the application that we have not passed all that indicates what we do?
3. If I have taken part of the certificate of professionalism in another Autonomous Community, do you recognize me?
4. If the training modules of the certificate of professionalism have been taken in different Autonomous Communities where the certificate of professionalism must be applied for?
5. If I have completed the certificate of professionalism through training managed by the tripartite foundation or the state public employment service, to whom should I apply for the certificate of professionalism?
6. If I have participated in the qualify program, flexibility measures, or other processes of the department of education of validation of credits corresponding to the title of average or upper degree can I request the certificate of professionalism?
7. If I have completed and passed a process of accreditation of skills obtained through work experience and non-formal training, which has been convened and managed in another autonomous community, I can request the issuance of the certificate of professionalism in the employment service of Catalonia?
8. Is it necessary to make an entry to obtain a certificate of professionalism or cumulative partial accreditation?
9. If I make a mistake in registering on the website the application for registration, issuance and delivery of a certificate of professionalism or cumulative partial accreditation, what should I do?
10. In the table of competency units of the certificate of professionalism passed when it says way to obtain what should we indicate?
11. What must be indicated in the section on competent labor or educational administration that issued it.
12. How to obtain the practical training module in work centers and how to accredit it.
13. Can the training units be accredited?
14. If I pay a fee for a cumulative partial accreditation, will I have to pay the fee for the certificate of professionalism once I have completed it?
15. Where should I apply for professional certificates or cumulative partial accreditations?
16. Once the fee has been paid, does the applicant have to take any further steps?

You will be able to view all the existing training specialties leading to certificates of professionalism in the SOC's search for training specialties where you can filter by certificates of professionalism and by professional families. diomaNavegacio = ca.

If this is given, it means that you are not yet entitled to obtain the certificate of professionalism, as you do not have all the units of competence of the certificate, you can then correct and request a cumulative partial accreditation of the units of competence that if you have overcome.

If you have completed a part of a certificate of professionalism (a complete training module of a certificate of professionalism corresponding to a unit of competence) in another Autonomous Community, you must apply for the cumulative partial accreditation of this part corresponding to the the regional administration in question where you carried it out. If you have done so, you must indicate this in the application and indicate which part you have taken and accredited, and which administration has issued it to you.

The Catalan Employment Service will validate certified applications for professionalism that have been completed entirely in Catalonia under its area of competence, and those in which, despite having completed a part in another Autonomous Community, if they have completed the last training module with which they have completed the certificate of professionalism in Catalonia as long as they have previously applied to the other Autonomous Community for the corresponding Accumulable Partial Accreditation (see question 3).
If a person has completed all or the last missing part of the certificate of professionalism in another Autonomous Community, he must request the issuance of the certificate of professionalism to that Autonomous Community. If you have completed part of the certificate of professionalism in Catalonia, as long as it has not been the last part, you must apply for the cumulative partial accreditation to the SOC.

In this case, the certificate of professionalism must be requested from the competent labor administration, which in this case is the State Public Employment Service.

No, these processes give academic recognition that is solely for the purposes of:
- Validation and recognition of the corresponding credits, in the case of the titles of law LOGSE (Ley Orgànica General del Sistema Educativo).
- Validation and recognition of the modules and corresponding formative units, in the case of the titles of LOE (Ley Orgànica de Enseñanza).

This academic recognition provided for in these processes does not correspond to a recognition of units of competence corresponding to the certificate of professionalism.
Therefore, the certifications obtained in the programs organized by the Department of Education for the academic recognition of learning achieved through work experience or in social activities, allow to obtain the correspondence with the vocational training courses of the educational system and, therefore, not they give the right, directly, to the issuance of a certificate of professionalism.

No, the issuance of the certificate of professionalism must be requested from the competent labor administration of the Autonomous Community where it has carried out the process of accreditation of skills.

Indeed, for the issuance and delivery of certificates of professionalism or cumulative partial accreditations, fees apply for both the application for originals and for duplicates, except in those cases in which the interested party who can accredit it has one of the causes of exemption or rebate of the rate provided by the regulations.

An application will not be registered until it is registered in the register of the competent body, the document of the application that you print at the end of the process of entering data for the application, so there is no problem that you start a new request again with the correct data, as many times as necessary.

On the website we have explained the ways to obtain the units of competence of a certificate of professionalism. These three options that come up are the 3 ways in which you can obtain a unit of competence (see more details in the point "Issuance of a certificate of professionalism" on Certificates of professionalism on the SOC website).

Training route (labor administration):
• Through training carried out in a center that has been authorized by the SOC to issue certificates of professionalism. In this case, the student must pass with positive evaluation the training modules associated with each unit of competence that he wants to accredit.
Training route (educational administration):
• By completing professional modules of the Department of Education associated with the units of competence that make up a certificate of professionalism provided that it is proven that the modules have been passed
Via accreditation of work experience and non-formal training routes.
• By means of the procedures of evaluation and accreditation of professional competences acquired through the professional experience or non-formal ways of training that summon jointly the labor Administration and the educational.
The third way is regulated in Royal Decree RD 1224/2009. That is why in the statement of the application it puts “Accreditation of competences RD 1224/2009”, since we refer to any of the processes regulated by this royal decree carried out in any of the autonomous communities.

The right to obtain certificates of professionalism is subject to having all the units of competence that make it up, there may be many cases in which the interested party has obtained a cumulative partial accreditation of a certificate in another autonomous community, or who has completed part of the certificate of professionalism through regulated training (Education). In all these cases, proof must be provided by means of a certified copy of the document accrediting this fact and indicating which administration has issued this document.

Each certificate of professionalism has a practical training module in associated work centers. This module must be carried out preferably once the other training modules of each certificate of professionalism have been passed, although it can also be carried out simultaneously with the completion of these. Under no circumstances will this module be able to be programmed independently.
The realization of this module will be done through agreements and / or agreements between the training centers and the work centers (without prejudice to their subjection to the regime contemplated by the labor practices in companies). The tutor of this module will be the person in charge of agreeing the training program with the company and carrying out, together with the tutor designated by the company, the monitoring and evaluation of the students. Therefore, the training program will include observable and measurable evaluation criteria.
The internship module does not correspond to any unit of competence, therefore it cannot be subject to cumulative partial accreditation.
Exemption from having to complete the internship module may be requested. Students in the training programs alternating with work in the area of the corresponding certificate will be exempt from completing the internship module, as well as people who can prove a minimum of 3 months' work experience that corresponds to the skills provided in this module.
Accreditation of work experience must be accredited by means of a company certificate stating: the duration of the contract, the activity carried out and the period of time in which this activity has been carried out. The interested party must apply for exemption from this module in accordance with the instructions established by the SOC, which will issue a certificate of exemption.
The application for the internship module exemption may be made in conjunction with the application for a certificate of professionalism.

13. Can the training units be accredited?
No, the minimum accreditable unit is the competence unit, not the training units. The training units are parts of a competence unit that allow a student to carry out more formally the training content associated with a competence unit, and at the time he completes all the training content of a competence unit Apply for cumulative partial accreditation if you wish.

Yes, in fact, the cumulative partial accreditation, it is advisable not to apply for it and wait to complete the formation of a certificate of professionalism to then apply for the full certificate and pay only the fee then, however, if someone out of necessity or because he has to leave for another autonomous community, needs to accredit those units of competence of a certificate of professionalism that he has, then he can request it.

The application for certificates of professionalism and cumulative partial accreditations
(link to the application), must be submitted by registration preferably from your Employment Office, although it can also be submitted to the corresponding Territorial Service according to the point of collection of the title you have chosen in the application and that the same application tells you.
In this way, applications can also be submitted for the registration of any address of the Catalan Employment Service.

Likewise, applications may be submitted for any of the administrative procedures provided for in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, on the legal regime of public administrations and the common administrative procedure.

16. Once the fee has been paid, does the applicant have to take any further steps?
No, once the fee has been paid, the application process already follows the last step, which is the printing of the final title, which will be sent to the Employment Office indicated by the applicant. when filling out the application for a certificate of professionalism. Once the Employment Office receives it, the applicant will be contacted to pick it up.

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