1. Characteristics of these environments. Security zones and areas. Control center. Operating in front of installations with alarm system. Action in the face of other emergency situations. Most common types of crime and means of execution: common criminals, organized criminals, violent criminals and juvenile delinquents.
2. Interpersonal communication techniques. Antisocial behaviors. Mass control techniques. Stress and fear control.
3. Intervention of security guards. Intervention classes: preventive, reactive, care, etc. Day and night interventions. Interventions with firearms and dogs. Factors to be taken into account for a correct intervention and action procedures.
4. Patrol and mobile surveillance. Observation and knowledge of the environment. Type of patrol. Special consideration of the motorized patrol. Rules for carrying out and correcting anomalous situations.
5. Identification of people. Principles and techniques of identification: memory, description of people and complementary elements.
6. The arrest. Concepts. Assumptions in which the arrest and limitations proceed. How to make the arrest. Records, handcuffs and searches: cases in which it is appropriate and how to carry them out. Detention in private security regulations and their application by the security guard. Illegal detention.
7. Procedures for action in specific situations. Interventions on vehicles. Action in uncontrolled access and in the face of unauthorized intrusions. Action in cases of fire, flood, telephone threats, discovery of suspicious packages.
8. Communication with the Security Forces and Bodies. The complaint. Concept and classes of denunciation. Exceptions to the duty to report. How to make the complaint. Competent bodies in matters of complaint. Operational aspects.
9. Prevention of occupational hazards. Security surveillance function, services, scenarios and associated hazards. Specific preventive measures: persecution, arrest, search, transfer of detainees, work with dogs. Obligations of armed security guards. First aid techniques.
10. Collaboration with the Security Forces and Bodies.